Teacher Experience


  • Teacher - Modules - Refined due dates and locking functions on assignments
  • Teacher - Refined unreliable Canva embed links
  • Assignments - Refined assignment export to include questions and answers


  • Teacher - Quick Grader - Remove Work in Progress alert
  • Teacher - Quick Grader - Analyze with AI button available for unsubmitted activities


  • ePortfolios - Shared with Me - More sorting controls
  • Mobile - QR code added to webpage for mobile uploads
  • Mobile - QR code image included to allow students to enroll in classes

  • eCards - Teachers can see all received and sent eCards in student profiles
  • eCards - Added a scheduled eCards tab

Student Experience 


  • Dashboard - Overdue Activities Section removed from dashboard 


  • Mobile - QR code image included to allow students to enroll in classes
  • Mobile - QR code added to webpage for mobile uploads
  • eCards - Visible received eCards refined in profile
  • eCards - Added a scheduled eCards tab