1. On the login page, select "Parents".
  2. Click the "Login with Magic Link" action.
  3. Enter your email address. Then, press "Send Magic Link".
    IMPORTANT: Make sure to keep this browser tab/window open!
  4. Then, in a separate browser tab, log in to your email inbox. You will receive an email that is sent from "no-reply@ekadence.com". Open that message.
  5. In the email message, click the button to "Log in to eKadence". 
  6. An eKadence site page will load and display a "Login verified from Magic Link!" message. Click "OK" to dismiss the message.
    NOTE: If you see an "Invalid Token" message, then your email link has expired, and you will need to request another magic link email (by repeating the steps above).

  7. Once you press OK, go back to your eKadence tab, and you will be signed in.

NOTE: If you are on your personal device, you can remain logged in to your eKadence Parent account -- so that you will not need to repeat this sign-in process each time. If you are not on a personal device, then for security and privacy, we recommend that you follow these steps to sign in with a magic link each time.

Here is a video tutorial for logging in with magic link: