If you have previous modules that you would like to reuse, follow along as we go through the steps to use the "Import form Another Class" feature.

  1. Setup your Grading Categories in the Class Setup.

  2. On the Modules page of your new class, hover over the "+ Course Material" menu in the top right and select the "Import from Another Class" option.
  3. Locate the class you would like to import in the "Class" dropdown. Select the "Include Past Classes" checkbox if the class you are looking for has ended.
  4. In the "to" section choose where you would like to place your imported content. For example, if you would like to put it all into a single folder. Otherwise, leave it as "Root".

  5. Click "Next" after you have confirmed your selection.

  6. Match your grading terms by selecting which new category corresponds to each old category.

  7. Click "Make copy" after confirming your grading categories.

  8. After a few minutes, the pop-up box should go away and you will find your old modules in your new class.