The My Profile page allows users to customize their settings anywhere in eKadence. To access these settings, click on your profile picture in the top right corner and click on My Profile. On the left of the settings page, you can go to different setting categories.

Basic Settings

From the Basic Settings tab, students can view and modify their:

  • Profile picture - only the student and faculty can view their uploaded image
  • Email
  • Alternate Email - another email that can be used to log in
  • First, Middle, Last Name
  • Display Name - the name that other students will see when interacting with each other
  • Preferred Language
  • Preferred Timezone
  • Preferred CTE Pathway
  • About Me
  • Parent Contact Information - list of parent accounts that are associated with this student

To save any changes, press the Update Information button located at the bottom of the page. 

Security Settings

In the Security Settings tab, users can change their password to their eKadence account. Users must enter their current password to verify their identity and then enter their new password twice to confirm their new password. Make sure to click Change Password to save your changes!

New Message Notification

In the New Message Notification tab, you may manage how you receive notifications for certain types of messages. The left column shows the message type which includes when a teacher uploads an assignment, grades an assignment, and posts a comment. The other columns show which types of notifications you will receive for that message like in eKadence, in real time via email, through the Daily Digest, and/or through the Weekly Digest.

To add a notification received, click on an empty checkbox corresponding to the type you would like to add with the correct message type. To remove a notification received, click on a checkbox that is already selected. 

Google Account

In the Google Account tab, users can connect or disconnect their Google account to your eKadence account. Check the permissions for Google Calendar and Google Drive are enabled so that users can use our Calendar feature and Google Assignments. Please read our article Google Permissions within eKadence to learn more about the permissions that eKadence uses.

Zoom Account

In the Zoom Account tab, users can connect or disconnect their Zoom account to their Ekadence account.

Parent Account

In the Parent Account tab, users will see a code labeled My Verification Pass Code. Students can send this code to their parents so that the parent can link their account to their student's account. Do not share this code with anyone other than your parents. To learn more about how to link parent and student accounts please see our article on the topic.