Under your class cards on your dashboard is where the To Do Tasks widget is located. This widget displays any activities that are due in the given week, giving you a quick glance at tasks that you should prioritize. Clicking on one of the activities will take you directly to that activity.

Clicking on the right and left arrows around the time period shifts it by a week forward and backward respectively. The reload button to the right of the time period allows you to refresh your activity list for real time updates, as well as resets the visible time period to the current week. 

To adjust the number or type of activities shown, you can use the class or activity type filters in the top right of the widget box. 

By clicking the All Classes button, you can select a class that you are a part of in the dropdown menu to only show activities from that class. Additionally, by clicking on the All Activities button, you can select the specific type of activity to display in the widget in the dropdown menu.