The New Student Alerts tab is a great way for teachers to keep up with important information regarding their students and roster changes.
The New Student Alerts page will appear if teachers receive a new student alert, and will appear as a new section in the class navigation menu/sidebar. Upon entering a class, teachers may be redirected to this tab once a day, until all alerts have been successfully acknowledged.
New students have been added to your class
All teachers will receive an alert on this page when there is a new student added to the class. Teachers will be given a dropdown with an "Acknowledge" button to acknowledge these changes, as well as a "Transfer Scores" link, to help conveniently move any applicable grades from previous class sections into the new one. For more information, please see our article on our Transfer Scores Tool. Furthermore, we have a new feature that allows you to "Send Welcome eCard" to the new students in your class.
Students dropped from your class
Teachers will also receive a separate notification about any students who have been dropped from the class.
IEP/504/BIP Plans Acknowledgement
Inside the New Student Alerts page, you will see a small section specifically made for students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504, or a BIP plan.
To dismiss this alert, you need to go to the IEP/504/BIP tab of the class and acknowledge all students' plans.