When students transfer classes students are automatically excused from all activities before they are enrolled in their new class. When using the transfer scores tool you can transfer scores of individual assignments if your classes are linked or default their previous work to a given percentage.

  1. The Transfer Scores tool is located in the following three locations.
    1. The Students tab under the Actions column
    2. The New Student Alerts tab under New students have been added to...
    3. The Gradebook tab under the Actions dropdown
  2. Click on the Transfer Scores action to the right of the new student's row or if you are in the Gradebook select the new student from the dropdown.
  3. In the new menu, you will select how you want to handle this student's grades for activities completed before joining your new section.
    1. Transfer Scores from Linked Section - If the student's previous and current classes are linked sections then the first option will appear. Selecting this will transfer all of the student's previous scores and submissions over to the current class.
    2. Mark as Excused - If the student does not have any previous grades or they are starting fresh, then you can excuse them from all previous activities.
    3. Set scores to - If they are coming from a different teacher or school you can default their previous scores to a percentage that your fill in.
  4. Confirm your choice, then click on the Apply button to finish.