The homepage is a great way for teachers to comfortably oversee the content that has been submitted in their class as well as different forms of information and the ability to add content. The homepage will also be the first thing that the teacher sees when selecting any class.

Homepage notifications

Missing Activities
Under "Missing Activities," teachers will be able to see a list of students in the class who are missing any activities. Teachers can also view any student submissions by clicking on the name of the activity that they would like to view. As demonstrated in the video, teachers can make new comments or view past comments by clicking on the comment icon at the far right of the activity. Teachers are also given a small organization feature located at the top right corner of the "Missing Activities" window. Teachers can reorganize the list by student or activity.

Recent Submissions
The "Recent Submissions" window is practically identical to the "Missing Activities" window with all the same functions. The main difference that "Recent Submissions" has is it allows the teacher to see recent activities that have been submitted by students and are ready to be graded.

About Me

The About Me section allows the teacher to have a small description about themselves for the class to see. Teachers will have the ability to toggle this on and off by clicking Show About me and Hide About Me. Co-teacher with the permission "Display name as co-teacher to students" will also be shown here. See our article on Co-teachers for more information.

When looking at the entire homepage, teachers will be able to see different activity notifications, switch between a master section or linked section, or teachers can go forward or backward through course content. Teachers can toggle between students or activities for Missing activities and Recent submissions.

To find more information on editing and changing the homepage please refer to our article on Pages.