Today we will be going through a brief overview of features and settings that become available to the owner of an existing group. Please refer to the article on how to create a group if you do not know how to create a group already. Once you have accessed the 'Groups Page' from the main menu, click on the specific group that you would like to view or edit. Every feature that will be available to you will be listed on the left side of the screen.


After clicking on the 'Homepage' tab, the user may then click in 'Edit Homepage' to begin editing and customizing their homepage to their liking. The owner can change the banner image for the homepage, change the title following text and are also able to insert various sources from external content. After the owner has customized their homepage, they can then select the 'preview' button to look at the homepage from the perspective of other members


Within the discussions tab, the user can post new discussions as well as comment on already existing discussions. This discussions tab will be very similar to the discussions tab that teachers may already have in their classes.


Within the members tab the owner will be able to manage all members within the group. The owner can invite people from different classes they have or the can individually search for and invite users within the eKadence system. Then on the 'Member Request' tab next to the 'Group Members' tab, users will be able to accept request from new members that are looking to join the group 


The events tab is basically the same thing as the 'Events' tab from the global navigation screen and will have all the exact same settings as just normally creating an event.

In the events tab, creating conferences within groups will be very similar to creating conferences within a single class as well. The user will get all of the same settings and they are also able to see active, completed, and archived conferences. 


In the announcements tab, the group owner can create announcements that will go out to all the other group members and can also attach files to those announcements and schedule them to be posted. Once again the settings for announcements will be similar for announcement settings in class. 


Within the settings, the group owner can adjust settings to their liking after they create a group. Some things to note is that the conference tabs and the announcements tab are only available if those functions are enabled in the settings. Please refer to the video on how to create a group for more in-depth detail on the group settings


In the pages tab, the user can create brand new homepages and have their own gallery of their homepages. To change homepages, click on a desired homepage and select 'Set as homepage' to set your new homepage.