There are several ways to contact support in eKadence as a student, teacher, or parent.

Using Profile

  1. First locate your profile picture in eKadence at the top right corner.
  2. Now click on your profile picture. It will open a dropdown menu as seen below. Then click on the Help button.
  3. It will then open a help box and you will be able to report a problem or submit a feature request.

Using the help button in a class

Only students and teachers can request help in a class. For parents, refer to the profile picture method for help.


  1. You will be able to find the Help button at the bottom left hand corner when inside of any class.
  2. After locating the Help button and clicking on it, a pop-up window will open. You will be given the option to contact the course instructor, or the eKadence Technical Support desk.
  3. If you choose to contact your teacher, your email application will open, and you will be able to directly contact them from there.
  4. If you choose to contact eKadence Technical Support, you will be directed to the same help screen just like using the profile to click help. From here, feel free to report any issues or make feature requests, change the email for where the replies will be going to, and attach images, and messages.


  1. You will be able to find the Help button at the bottom left hand corner when inside of any class.
  2. You will be directed to the same help screen just like using the profile to click help. From here, feel free to report any issues or make feature requests, change the email for where the replies will be going to, and attach images, and messages.

You can also access the eKadence help center by clicking on Help Center at the bottom of the help screen.